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Month: February 2020

Feb 27
A Taxing Time

It is absolutely, and gobsmackingly true, that truth is stranger than fiction. I had always believed, like most people still do, that government represents a legitimate democratic system of arranging society in such a manner as to be fair to everyone and to benefit the people equally, without fear or favour. My education of the […]

Feb 23
Lunatics In Charge Of The Asylum

Perhaps its the rebellious and skeptical nature I’ve inherited from my largely Irish ancestry but I do not have an ounce of confidence or trust in government, even less so when the people we elect take their orders from some place else. I was six days shy of my tenth birthday when I awoke to […]

Feb 18
Constitution of the Commonwealth 1901

Our true Australian Flag Currently and going back to the early 1900’s our Australia is and has been under the military occupation and administration of a privately owned foreign corporation registered in Washington D.C. Most Australians are unaware of the facts, as are most Americans and most Britons, all who, along with Australians proudly identity […]