If you wish to stop 5G in you’re area there are ways to use effective processes that make the people running the alleged governments and corporations personal liable for the decisions they make and for the harm they cause. I am placing a number of documents into the files section for free download which are […]
Given the bible is the foundation that our system of law is built upon and given the law recognizes God as the Creator of the male and female sentient living breathing beings as his direct creation and then has granted them dominion over the earth, it follows that next to the Creator God, men and […]
We certainly are living through a very dangerous period in human history which most certainly threatens future generations but it is not the hoax of Con-a-virus that is dangerous. What really threatens us is a curious mix of plain old stupidity, gullibility, media programming and the ignorance such programming produces. Then we need to throw […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=hyXdpfkGI3s&feature=emb_logo The real significance of this post particularly in the times we are living in, is not really learning how to deal with policy enforcers to get out of a fine or avoid taxes or whatever it is that’s going on. The real story is that so many people who work for government, whether as […]