Geelong Today has been created for a number of reasons, all of them in support of the people, who are facing a number of challenges to our collective freedoms and lifestyles and indeed our survival as a species. Governments and those of the mainstream media that allegedly report on their activity appear a tad light on integrity as far as the truth is concerned, being corrupt to the core with every man made system including the financial, medical and pharmaceutical, food manufacturing,  government, judiciary and police all suspect, as none are de-jure organizations but foreign corporations acting in pretence of serving the people. Rather we have been experiencing tyranny and not just for the last few years but for decades going back for hundreds of years. 

 In short brainwashing has effectively prevented us from realizing that we have been enslaved, a condition that appears to be much more threatening in times past with the not too distant future threatening a social credit system and 15 minute cities and the like on the near horizon that will make our past life look like a luxury existence compared to the dystopian future that awaits just around the corner unless we wake the hell up and resist in any way we can, we all know that there is no way politicians offer any solutions at all, they are indeed not to be trusted being central to a rapidly worsening situation, treasonous to the core.

What we have here is an attempt to help wake the people up because our mainstream media are not now and have never been up to the task of informing us as to what is really happening around us, we need to inform each other as to what’s occurring in our world and to support each other in any way we can which is why I have created this resource which is built around the idea of helping each other at no or little cost. 

In another life John was a Line Serviceman for the then Telecom before it was sold off before getting into real estate where he operated a couple of agencies selling established homes, land estates and new homes and negotiating commercial leaseholds for a company in expansion mode. Semi retired these days John is concerned for young couples wanting to buy in to the property market which just gets tougher as governments have traditionally applied artificial policies which support growth to what is claimed to be a free market but is anything but.

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