Not that I’m the right person to lecture anyone on the topic of health, the state of my body bares testimony to a misspent youth doing all the wrong things purporting to become a connoisseur of very ordinary beers, so ill health in one sense qualifies me to have some idea of things not to […]
Geelong is an idyllic location in which to live in , work in and visit with unlimited attractions boasting a bayside location and close to world renowned surf beaches and a half hour trip to the Australian bushland and the nostalgic attraction of our unique wildlife also often seen grazing on the Anglesea golf course. […]
Reports indicate we have new speed cameras on the way featuring sophisticated technology that will facilitate the powers that be an ability to reach right into your bank account in order to collect fines justly causing us to reflect on just how lucky we are that our government shows such commitment to safety on our […]
Martin Niemöller was a German theologian and Lutheran pastor. He is best known for his opposition to the Nazi regime during the late 1930s and for his 1946 quote: ” First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out_because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and […]
Having driven an Uber for a short time I was amazed to see this story. When I was driving for them, Drivers were required by the ATO to pay GST which was calculated as 10% of a driver’s income despite the fact that it was not the driver who either set the fares or who […]
One of the areas where we can see the truth in the expression “the law is an ass” is when it comes to comparing two completely different systems, one is the system of law, the other a system of legal and they can be worlds apart. Natural justice has at times no correlation whatsoever to […]
Your average sun drenched Aussie isn’t impressed with the idea of all these extremist conspiracy theorists coming out of the wood work and interrupting his enjoyment of football, cricket and swilling beer and I ought to know because that was exactly the tradition I grew up in. Always look on the bright side of life […]
Below is part of an Affidavit authored by an English gentleman who passed away some years ago. The Affidavit has been served on all British MP’s and all Australian MP’s in recent years. The following is merely an exhibit included in that Affidavit. There is a loaf of bread on Morrison’s Shelf. There is a […]
When it all happens gradually people tend not to notice change that much, a fact capitalized on by the Fabian Society, a movement which began in England in the 1880’s to subvert the operations of government to establish a socialist new world order. As we are seeing socialism and communism both are not concerned with […]