With all the ridicule levelled at “conspiracy theorists” who are accused of being tin foil hat wearers, “dangerous” and “irresponsible” constantly ridiculed by the accusers and scoffers who generally, do not bring any evidence, logic or rationale to back their emotive insinuations, for the sole reason they generally can’t, such rationales do not exist for them to draw from, besides it is not usually an intellectual response from the unthinking, but one that has been cultured by many years of idiot box programming.
Now I would love to get my local politicians to produce evidence of the efficacy of any of the measures undertaken by government to “curb” this pandemic and protect us from this “virus” which I note is by vaccine exclusively, while the banning of effective medicines like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin seems a tad suspicious from those wanting to assist us.
Below is a table produced by a credible group Deagal.com who by the way, Fascist Book prevented the publishing of the link in real time, which is a prime example of their commitment to ensuring only “facts” get past fact checkers. Anyhow DeagalĀ predicts a rather shocking population drop in America from the current 327 Million to around 100 Million by 2025. Their website at one time showed all of the population estimates over the globe with Australia coming from a high now of around 25 Million to around 15 Million in the same time frame, a ten million drop.
With such predictions applying globally it would seem to imply that there must be global intelligence and a global cooperation in operation to bring these estimates about, then there’s the question of the method used to accomplish the projections and it would appear that a global delivery of the poison by way of a vaccine would be a very convenient method used for the cull, and given that 2025 is not that far away then its reasonable to assume that such an exercise must be well underway now.
No doubt we can rely Bill Gates to come up with solutions that our governments, federal, state and local can work with to get the job done. That is perhaps the how, but I think the why, is more than hinted at by John F. Kennedy’s speech on secret societies which is posted further down my page or it can be looked up in search engines.
I welcome comment from my local politicians Libby Coker, Christine Couzens, Darren Cheeseman, Richard Marles, Andy Meddick and Sarah Henderson who are obviously well aware of just where our political parties are leading us to.