Politics must be the one and only career path that rewards people so handsomely for actually not doing the job they are employed to do, in the case of politicians that job might be defined and described as representing their constituents, which by and large, politicians ignore. Not only do they fail in their duty to their electors but in nearly all cases they seem quite willing to directly oppose the interests of those they claim to “serve” and one only needs to witness their complete lack of accountability to their oaths and duties owed to their constituents to realize that these people have been involved in criminal activities including lack of their duty of care, utter dereliction of due diligence, fraud, extortion, theft and general racketeering until recently, when the charge of conspiracy to commit genocide could quite reasonably be added, mass murder is not an issue that has historically troubled narcissistic psychopaths at various points in human history. Apart from the theft of taxpayer funds one must consider that Marles and Albanese by merit of their financial support for the Ukraine also support the massive number of deaths occurring in a conflict in which an agreement had been reached for peace to be brokered until Nato’s coalition of the willing held sway, courtesy of Boris Johnson.
It is a fact that Marles along with Albanese have not considered or consulted with a single constituent before deciding to provide gazillions of dollars in support of the Ukraine regime in which case these unrepresentative swill have literally stolen these funds resulting in them committing treason as there is no evidence whatsoever to support these actions as popular as we have no quarrel with Russia or Putin. What becomes clear is that Marles and Albanese are aligned with the global conspirators like Trudeau, Biden, Schwab and the rest of the Nato countries who likewise ignore their local populations in favour of unelected bodies like the UN, the WHO and the WEF to name but a few. It is little wonder that Marles is not broaching the topic of donations to the Ukraine in this “Community Newsletter.”
However when one considers the deceitful and baseless claims of Marles in that most recent “Community Newsletter” it becomes clear that he will not suffer the truth to interrupt his narcissistic ego’s desire for a greatness that can never be his.
In the so called “Newsletter” Marles claims “The Albanese Government is getting on with the job” of providing services at a time when the cost of living is at record levels. There is no way that one can experience “better pay and more secure jobs” when our economy is so weakened by government policies that secure jobs cannot be assured in an economy on its knees, these assurances have no basis particularly when Australia is committed to funding the Ukraine in a war that is none of Australia’s business and which Australia has undertaken without any consultation with its people. Marles and Albanese don’t exactly fit the profile of responsible custodians of the country’s wealth while the last thirty or forty years demonstrate the politicians resolve to destroy their own country. Then of course after being a part of the disastrous pandemic response these people are now asking us to trust them in supporting the “voice” without anyone ever being informed of the possible consequences and effects, can anyone provide a single reason as to why anyone would trust a politician, they are only parasitic scum regardless of the time that Marles and his mates spend admiring themselves in the mirrors of their own mind.