The Constitution of the Commonwealth 1901 says many things about the eligibility of people to sit in our parliaments and we have recently seen people removed because they were seen to be in direct contradiction with respect to dual citizenship provisions, being regarded as a citizen of a foreign power.
These extracts from section 44 are the ones that forced those resignations for reasons of ineligibilty in particular point 1: “Is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power.” Many commentators do not agree with these evictions of course and many of those who disagree don’t necessarily do so for the reasons they give, but rather to undermine the provisions of the Constitution in order to create their own republic which in particular circumstances is of course treason, self evidently in the case whereby those calling for a republic concurrently sit in our parliaments, judiciary and beaurocracy, in defiance of the Oath of Allegiance they had previously made to the Queen of the Commonwealth and the peoples of the Commonwealth in order to get on the pay roll.
It is black and white in this situation, either a person is a dual citizen or their not. Shades of grey begin to emerge however when we start to consider other terms in that passage. Terms like allegiance, obedience and adherence to a foreign power particularly when one considers people that have dual allegiances like those who are members of Secret Societies, Freemasons being one example. Freemasonry in a sense is both stateless and borderless and although not loyal to another territory, situations arise wherein members do face a conflict of interest, as the interests of Freemasonry can be quite diverse to those of patriot or native populations.
And while we cannot say that these people are acting in the interests of a foreign nation state, we can say that Australian politicians, the overwhelming number of which are Freemasons are not acting in the interests of the Australian people. The very next provision in section 44, excludes those who are “attainted of treason” and under present and recent arrangements going back decades a fair case could be made to indicate, that this is, indeed the case, particularly given the influence the UN has in Australia. I guess if one regards the UN as a “foreign power” a very strong case exists from both perspectives for one thing is for sure, these people have not been elected by the people and our government seem to be handing us all over on a platter, I guess the term unrepresentative swill will remain in the Australian vernacular for many years to come.
Freemasons of course deny being a “secret society” but what we are all learning recently is that they don’t exactly point out or declare their “adherence”, “obedience” or allegiance on their promotion material. What we really need to understand given their lack of disclosure of their “allegiances” that we are not looking at an innocent over sight, this is a full blown conspiracy against this country of Australia.