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We Are Geelong

A Community United By A Vision For Our Kids Futures.

A Selection Of Our Latest Posts

Non Existent Laws

Legal Maxim: The burden of proof is upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies. It is disconcerting to say the very least to see government revealing their complete and criminal disregard for the people but also for the law, justice and morality in addition. For instance an alleged new “law” apparently allows government to erect speed cameras on the Westgate Bridge and directly debit funds from the bank accounts of those filmed allegedly travelling above the “permitted”

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Health, Our First priority

Not that I’m the right person to lecture anyone on the topic of health, the state of my body bares testimony to a misspent youth doing all the wrong things purporting to become a connoisseur of very ordinary beers, so ill health in one sense qualifies me to have some idea of things not to be pursued if you’d prefer not to have to deal with discomforts like diabetes and neuropathy among other ailments. Its

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Geelong, The Jewell In The Crown

Geelong is an idyllic location in which to live in , work in and visit with unlimited attractions boasting a bayside location and close to world renowned surf beaches and a half hour trip to the Australian bushland and the nostalgic attraction of our unique wildlife also often seen grazing on the Anglesea golf course. Geelong has enough size, services and amenities that people have no need to travel any great distances to experience and

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Politicians, Corporations And Your Health

Healthwise, taking the right advice can have life and death consequences!

The best way to judge a thing is to listen to all views if society permits, that is.