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30 Questions Media Should Ask Government

If the media wish to be taken seriously then perhaps they should consider drawing politicians attention to some of the real issues in lieu of the largely irrelevant and trivial slop that they currently rely upon to serve up as news. I’m quite sure there are many more questions that might be added to the list below, ones that the people would actually like answers to, concerning things that really matter to them. The answers won’t of course be forthcoming but if at least these questions were put to those in charge we would have the pleasure of watching them squirm like they never have before. Surely, substance and some diversity is in order, rather than seeing reporters chase small time con merchants over fences and down laneways to answer for their petty, dodgy dealings. Its not much of an alternative to watch Leigh Sales offer her best impression of a particularly dogged investigative journalist, that she no doubt, along with her employers would like you to believe she is. Roasting a pollie is the ideal diversion to provide the disguise when promoting the desired narrative of the current NWO agendas with the so called “climate change” hoax and the over reaction if not also a complete hoax, in an alternate form, the Coronavirus outbreak, being the popular flavours of the month. Back to these sample questions I would like replies to.

  1. Is the government a corporation registered in Washington D.C.?

  2. Is Government a de jure body politic or a for profit corporation?

  3. If government is not a de jure government but a corporation, who does it serve?

  4. Does the system of law in use serve justice or commerce primarily?

  5. Is the system of law subject to the Constitution of the Commonwealth 1901?

  6. Is the system of law subject to commercial contracts under the Uniform Commercial Code?

  7. Does Common Law reign supreme in Australian courts?

  8. Has the implementation of the system of Admiralty law been approved by referendum?

  9. Is Admiralty Law concerned with dispensing justice or overseeing commerce?

  10. Have the implications of the Birth Certificate system of registration of new born babies and the subsequent corporate body created, been fully disclosed to all stakeholders?

  11. Have the government fully informed the people that the government is the trustee of the corporate trust thus created and that it holds the title or “owns” the persons, and that person’s estate and possessions?

  12. Without the informed consent by means of full disclosure of the birth certificate’s implications, does the government admit to fraud?

  13. Have the government informed the people that at the age of maturity the beneficiary may claim the control of their estate?

  14. Does the government provide annual financial reports of such trusts and does it have any fiduciary obligations to the beneficiaries of such trusts?

  15. Is the government aware that some of its departments and judicial entities are involved in the art form of the asset stripping of the people among other fraudulent activities that are in excess of their lawful powers and limits?

  16. Has the ATO been lawfully established and if not is the collection of tax revenues not fraudulent?

  17. Do traffic enforcement bodies have the lawful authority to issue a penalty without a conviction of an offence having been recorded in a court of competent jurisdiction?

  18. What right or authority does the government have to engineer or attempt to influence social outcomes in respect of children’s sexuality?

  19. What right, lawful standing or authority permits the government to make value judgements with regard to moral standards in the community.?

  20. What right or authority permits government to restrict freedom of speech or opinion regarding immigration or as to what groups may be criticised, for a failure to adapt to the existing society?

  21. By what authority can the government make vaccination compulsory or criticism of vaccination programs or policy unlawful?

  22. Under what authority does the government presume to enter into trading arrangements, treaties or agreements detrimental to the people of Australia?

  23. Under what authority does the government ignore the Constitution of the Commonwealth 1901 and deny our food producers access to water that is now traded as a commodity?

  24. Why does government conduct business with a Reserve Bank to whom interest is paid by the people when as a sovereign currency issuing nation it can print money and avoid usury?

  25. Under what authority does the government allow corporations to subject the people to the untested effects of vaccines, 5G technology, GMO foods, fluoridated water and food imports?

  26. Under what authority does the government permit a Constitutionally unrecognized body in the form of local government to levy rates, create by laws or implement parking penalties?

  27. Under what authority does the government commit treason by removing the constitutional head of state or granting sovereign rights to unelected, international bodies?

  28. What possible governmental purpose and goals do suppression orders achieve in regards to pedophiles operating in the political, judicial and associated areas of public life?

  29. What possible governmental purpose and goals are accomplished by the suppression of all or any evidence surrounding the Port Arthur massacre?

  30. Why is the government determined to pass the Cash Ban legislation when financial experts have provided evidence that such legislation will not achieve its stated aims, will cause unnecessary harm to some small businesses and is unpopular with the people?

It is quite amazing to see the people cow tail to the agendas of the United Nations and the associated groups that together form the New World Order, although there are no shortage of critics. Most people lay the blame for increasing international interference in our way of life at the feet of treacherous bought and paid for politicians while any number of people see that the main stream media, are in a sort of informal partnership with them, and the lefty activists to bring about the goals and realize the agendas of a global government. Many other people remain skeptical, suspicious of the directions the system is taking, but feel almost trapped, working in a system of compulsory enthusiasm for the new ideas which the job requires of them, if they wish to maintain an income. Then, as always, there’s the opportunists who just don’t give a shit what happens to other people, like the politicians, they’re loyalties are for sale so long as they themselves can get by comfortably, parasites without brains, conscience, consciousness or decency.

Few people are unaffected by NWO political correctness, it is very noticeable in work places where people, particularly for those in charge, are conscious of different groups being offended which of course there is good reason, as a reaction from the thought police can cause real headaches, financial and otherwise. It appears there are people in government and many who are employed by government who through presumably their own ignorance, appear unconcerned that they could possibly be doing anything wrong or might be some day penalised for simply doing what they are told by their civic bosses. Then of course there are those who are aware that the actions they take are not lawful, in some cases downright fraudulent, but remain confident that because government stands behind them, their chances of suffering a penalty as a result is non existent. Those prosecuted in the Nuremberg trials would probably have held similar doubts earlier in there lives, when no one thought or believed they would be called to account. This is a possibility of course that police officers should consciously educate themselves about as it is perfectly clear that quite some number of them have little or no knowledge of law and their employers have obviously not provided such education and by merit of not providing it, expose their own officers to potentially severe actions at law with very serious implications. The military are in somewhat of a similar predicament and many officers are persuaded to take part in military actions which are not in the interests of the people of their country, as US war hero Smedley Butler realised after concluding his military career. It was actually soldiers who were prosecuted at Nuremberg albeit soldiers on the losing side of the war and if the outcome was reversed it may well have been Butler prosecuted, who knows?

The promotion of the NWO is not under the sole remit of treacherous politicians, prestitutes, police and soldiers alone, many organizations support their policies such as the AFL in regard to discrimination among other forms of value signaling which have precious little to do with football. Not unlike freemasons of the innocent variety, there are large numbers of people unaware of the true nature of what it actually is that their supporting. I don’t know if its done innocently but screen writers for instance tend to promote NWO agendas, writing storylines into their dramas which give the impression that all forms of the expression of love in a physical sense are all equally valid, just as similar values are being being taught to the very young in schools, who denied the necessary development years have not yet realised the maturity and discernment required to enable the making of wise choices in life. Now some would consider this child abuse, not surprisingly I would add and while some in the teaching profession no doubt support such “initiatives” some do not, but continue to pretend they do for whatever reason.

People need to be very careful what they wish for and support, the bed we make is the one we lie in. It is not global warming (or this summer’s global cooling) or “climate change” that threaten us with extermination, but rather the people who rely on these fears and offer a global solution in the form of a one world government, these are the solutions to be feared, for the reason that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There have been many warnings from educated observers about the dangers that centralization of power bring, and many examples of mass exterminations and genocides that accompany that absolute power. From my point of view it is a bit like entrusting future safety and security arrangements to the organizers of the Port Arthur Massacre. With a combination of technology at their command that can weaponize weather and control virus outbreaks with the aid of a soon to be released 5G network that can compromise the human immune system, there are no limits to the destruction, the banking elites could cause under the banner of uniting in hope for the future. Its is obvious given mankind’s track record that power needs to be both minimized and decentralized, rather than the opposite, if we decide that having some sort of a future sounds appealing.

It is a sad fact that many people pay no attention at all to what is happenning and put everyone at risk. As J.F.K. has been quoted “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” One person’s highly principled and altruistic global organization, is the next man’s totalitarian dictator and psychopathic control freak who will reduce this country to one of abject poverty and subjugation in no time at all, this is the price of such ignorance. The latter view I believe is consistent with what thoughtful contemplation of the questions above might reveal, it remains to be seen however, if they are ever asked.


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