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The Parasites Of The ATO

Having driven an Uber for a short time I was amazed to see this story. When I was driving for them, Drivers were required by the ATO to pay GST which was calculated as 10% of a driver’s income despite the fact that it was not the driver who either set the fares or who collected them from the only party required to pay GST, being the user of the service. At the time I queried the ATO and suggested that there was no evidence that a GST had been collected from the user, it did not show on any statement and Uber itself was registered for GST at the time but there was no record of them remitting any GST to the ATO. I rang the ATO and informed them of these facts and advised them that I would not be paying any GST while the figure payable to the ATO was subsequently deducted to the tune of the 10% by them, indicating their concurrence, however, not surprisingly it wasn’t a general principle applied and communicated to other Uber drivers by the highly principled and diligent ATO.

Apart from the fact that its been established that the ATO was never established correctly according to the case Moeliker Vs. Chapman in the High Court of Australia and was never to trouble the government gazette. The lawful standing of the ATO is one issue but the other is the standing of the so called government to appoint it in the first place is just as questionable given that the Australian Government is a corporation registered in Washington DC. 

It should be obvious now to all and sundry that the ATO’s “rulings” have no lawful basis and never have as they have no judicial capabilities and cannot make or pass laws, and when you really think about it the question must arise for any thinking organism of what possible benefit does the collection of taxes offer anyone except for the parasitic class whose lavish lifestyles and generous gifts to corporate mates, like the industrial military complex via Ukraine along with the many donations to “worthy” causes like the Clinton Foundation etc. etc. etc.

Does anyone consider whether we are safer on the roads because drivers are “licensed” and cars are “registered” Are we protected from unscrupulous operators in real estate or the used car businesses because the operators are “licensed”? Are our dogs and cats somehow safeguarded due to “licensing” or is the entire idea of licensing just another fraud that enables government to continue to extort the public in any which way it can with the result that people can no longer afford to live and must endure a perpetual slave like existence. Is licensing just another of a long list of extortive frauds practiced by those living in a pretence of legitimate authority?


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