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Mob Rule

Reports indicate we have new speed cameras on the way featuring sophisticated technology that will facilitate the powers that be an ability to reach right into your bank account in order to collect fines justly causing us to reflect on just how lucky we are that our government shows such commitment to safety on our roads.

I know it may sound a bit alarmist, for the reason that although the idea that government agencies have the ability to administer a punishment without any conviction of guilt occurring such violations of the law and justice are something we have had and will have plenty of time to get used to. Our intrepid government officialdom are quite prepared to go to any means to protect us even if it means they ignore the actual laws to achieve their heroic goals.

As we can easily comprehend, drug dealers capitalize on the unfortunate addiction of their victims to pocket obscene amounts of money, a continuing tradition of a criminal mafia that our big brothers in government have learned from given the extortive price of partaking in a perfectly legal activity although reputedly not great for our health although nicotine is regarded as having healing properties by many. 

Can it get any more obvious than it is that government is a parasitic organism that leeches on a productive public literally robbing them blind under an air of statesmen like authority while ruining countries as allegiances are devoted to unelected international elites committed to a one world government which looks almost a sure thing, particularly when there are few objecting. 

One can see the exact same disregard for justice and the law from the ATO with people not understanding or knowing that this corporation has absolutely no judicial authority to make laws which is why they deal in pretend laws they call rulings and likewise any right or capacity to fix penalties which they basically pull out of their arse. Corporations like Hungry Jacks or McDonalds likewise have no capacity to administer fines and penalties because they are, like our governments corporations, and not de-jure elected body politics. 

Should anyone stand accused of any crime it must be decided in a court of law not a privately owned government department and the same goes for traffic fines, one can insist that these extortioners prove their accusations of guilt rather than simply and lamely complying out of fear. These people have nothing legitimate behind them, least of all any degree of the moral standing they pretend to have, they are foe all intents and purposes full of it.


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