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Health, Our First priority

Not that I’m the right person to lecture anyone on the topic of health, the state of my body bares testimony to a misspent youth doing all the wrong things purporting to become a connoisseur of very ordinary beers, so ill health in one sense qualifies me to have some idea of things not to be pursued if you’d prefer not to have to deal with discomforts like diabetes and neuropathy among other ailments.

Its taken me almost a lifetime to realize that food is indeed medicine while anyone with a solitary brain cell can see just how much superior is the product of the creator above that of the created particularly over the last few years. According to the father of medicine, Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” are wise words that seemingly have fallen on deaf ears while there are those who thrive on the hard of hearing like myself over the years. 

These days it seems to me after listening to experts, including some of the speakers beneath this post, that there are two main reasons explaining the sudden explosion of some of our modern diseases like diabetes, cancers, heart disease, copd and others. One of these are man made additives (poisons) and artificial processing, gmo’s, pesticide residuals along with drawn out supply chains effectively preventing the consumption of food that is fresh and thus of maximum nutrition.

The other problem are agricultural practices that rob the soil of the vital minerals that are missing from the food chain mainly because the focus is on producing a high yield as opposed to quality nutrition or in other words if the minerals are not in the soils they are not in the plants the animals eat and not in the animals that ultimately people eat. Linus Pauling once said that “nearly all disease can be tracked back to a nutritional deficiency.” In essence we have contamination combined with deficiency both of which are reasonable and laudible explanations of our declining health status and of course the drive for profit and essentially greed are responsible for our apparent determination as a species to literally starve ourselves to make more money, speaking of false economies.

Seems to me to be wise to take the extra time and expense to seek out fresh organic produce as offered in community markets  by  the genuine “fresh food people” as opposed to the super markets and the plastic processed food offered therein.

It might even prove to be wise in the long term and perhaps even the short term to think twice about what we consume both in terms of food and perhaps even more importantly pharmaceutical concoctions in addition, although the body is of such a brilliant design as to have the capacity to eliminate toxins it cannot manufacture the raw materials (minerals) that we are deficient in which provides a good argument for supplementation, but once again quality of supplementation is paramount to a successful outcome.


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