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Law, Justice and Legal

One of the areas where we can see the truth in the expression “the law is an ass” is when it comes to comparing two completely different systems, one is the system of law, the other a system of legal and they can be worlds apart. Natural justice has at times no correlation whatsoever to legal, which is basically the product of legislation enacted by politicians sitting in a parliament who would have you believe that what is legal is also lawful, but in aqctual reality nothing could be further from the truth and one need look no further than Joe Biden granting Anthony Fauci a pardon for unspecified crimes that he may be charged with at some point in the future. The passing of such legislation is in fact an impossibility when a lawful maxim underpinned by centuries of tradition states that “all are equal before the law” or alternately the maxim which states  that “no one is above the law” which makes the apparent granting of such a pardon, a criminal act and you would think that a President of the United States of America would have the necessary grey matter between his ears to understand that, and you might also wonder why the media doesn’t point out the contradictions. 

Its a case of the politicians along with the media whores doing as they please as they presume we are all fairly dull and don’t notice such discrepancies in the practice of this, at times; unlawful legal system. In the case of Fauci what compounds the issue even further is the fact that he hasn’t been charged with anything so one can only assume that such an act of pardon can forgive the most heinous of crimes which potentially includes genocide and mass murder among the less serious but improper conduct of Biden and his son’s excesses in many areas. It is exactly for the same reason that there can be no immunity for Bill Gates and the vaccine industry because granting immunity in these circumstances is equivalent to granting government agencies and unelected individual bureaucrats the James Bond license to kill. One hardly needs to be a genius to work out that the passing of such legislation is, in and of itself, a criminal action that purports to give some the right to kill others or at the very least to make people unaccountable for their actions.

Most people with half a brain understand that our man made systems of law, meaning legal, are there for revenue and do not provide justice but are simply a means for those in power or those who have friends in power a means to accumulate money from the victims of such fraudulent and extortive systems that governments utilize on a daily basis to fund the parasitic lifestyles they’ve become accustomed to, this being what our legal system has degenerated into as opposed to the God given Common or Natural systems of Law that predate the corrupt system of legal that we currently live under.


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