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Morrison’s Bread Shop

Below is part of an Affidavit authored by an English gentleman who passed away some years ago. The Affidavit has been served on all British MP’s and all Australian MP’s in recent years. The following is merely an exhibit included in that Affidavit.

There is a loaf of bread on Morrison’s Shelf.

There is a loaf of bread on Morrison’s shelf. But it didn’t just appear there by magic, the loaf of bread started its journey on John the farmers’ farm.
Whoops, hang on a minute,
John the farmer pays council tax on his hard standing and that council tax is added to the cost of the loaf of bread. So John the farmer rises early in the morning to plough the field and plant some grain. Just hold it right there. In the tractor there is red diesel fuel and that fuel carries a fuel duty of 36% plus the vat on the duty, plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. So now john has ploughed the field to plant the grain but the grain is not in the ground yet, the grain has to be sawed. So john the farmer fires up the tractor again to saw the grain.
Just hang on.
In the tractor there is red diesel fuel and that fuel carries a fuel duty of 36% plus the vat on the duty plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread.
Now the grain is sawed and is in the ground and John the farmer has to wait three of six months whilst the grain grows and is ready for harvesting.
Wait a minute,
John the farmer pays council tax on his hard standing and that council tax is added to the cost of the loaf of bread. So now it is time for harvesting, John the farmer fires up the big, monster combine harvester and harvests the field.
Woah stop.

In the combine harvester there is red diesel fuel and that fuel carries a fuel duty of 36% plus the vat on the duty plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread.
Now John the farmer has a big pile of hay and a whole pile of grain, so John the farmer calls up Bob the haulage truck driver to carry the grain to the grain storage silo.
Stop the bus right there.
Bob haulage truck driver drives a truck on the road, now this has white diesel fuel in the tank and whit diesel fuel carries a duty of 80% plus the vat on the duty plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. Also Bob haulage truck driver pays road tax to drive on the road, also Bob haulage truck driver lives in a house and pays council tax and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread.
It gets better

 The grain has now been delivered to the grain storage silo. Stop. The grain storage silo company pays commercial council tax and all the employees of that company live in houses and they all pay domestic council tax and all that tax is added tothe cost of the loaf of bread.
Are we beginning to see a trend here? So the grain sits in the storage silo until it is called upon by the flower mill.
Just hang on.

That’s even more commercial council tax and all that tax is added to the cost of the loaf of bread

That’s absolutely correct the tax man just loves the tax.
So the flour mill calls up Bob the haulage truck driver to carry the grain to the flower mill.
Stop, my ears are bleeding and my brain hurts.
No Pain no gain.

Knowing the truth is a painful experience and if you can’t stand the pain go back to sleep and keep paying the tax.
Are you insane?
Aren’t we all, we have been doing this insanity for donkey’s years, now shut up and take it.
Bob the haulage truck driver drives a truck on the road, now this has white diesel fuel in the tank and whit diesel fuel carries a duty of 80% plus the vat on the duty plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. Also Bob the haulage truck driver pays road tax to drive on the road, also Bob haulage truck driver lives in a house and pays council tax and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. Why, why, Why.
Shut up and take it.
Now the grain is at the flower mill.
Stop please no, I can’t take any more.
Shut up and take it, take it, take it,
take the pain what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.
The flower mill company pays commercial council tax and all the employees of that company live in houses and they all pay domestic council tax and all that tax is added to the cost of the loaf of bread. Whimper!
Somebody has to pay the tax man now take it.
Having made the grain into flower now the flower is ready to go to another storage depot.  Suck it up!!

The flower mill calls Bob the haulage truck driver to carry the flower to the storage depot.
Bob the haulage truck driver drives a truck on the road, now this has white diesel fuel in the tank and whit diesel fuel carries a duty of 80% plus the vat on the duty plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. Also Bob haulage truck driver pays road tax to drive on the road, also Bob haulage truck driver lives in a house and pays council tax and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. The storage depot company pays commercial council tax and all the employees of that company live in houses and they all pay domestic council tax and all that tax is added to the cost of the loaf of bread.

Do you have a gun?
Now the bakery has an order for some bread so they call Bob to collect the flower from the storage depot and take it to the bakery.
Not saying anything anymore.

Bob the haulage truck driver drives a truck on the road, now this has white diesel fuel in the tank and white diesel fuel carries a duty of 80% plus the vat on the duty plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. Also Bob haulage truck driver pays road tax to drive on the road, also Bob haulage truck driver lives in a house and pays council tax and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread.
The bakery company pays commercial council tax and all the employees of that company live in houses and they all pay domestic council tax and all that tax is added to the cost of the loaf of bread.

Can I find that gun?
No, you’re not allowed a gun it’s against legislation, besides you might just use it to shoot the tax man, and we can’t have that now: can we?
So the bakery calls up Bob to take the bread to Morrison’s.
Bob the haulage truck driver drives a truck on the road, now this has white diesel fuel in the tank and whit diesel fuel carries a duty of 80% plus the vat on the duty plus the vat on the diesel and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. Also Bob haulage truck driver pays road tax to drive on the road, also Bob haulage truck driver lives in a house and pays council tax and all that tax goes to the cost of the loaf of bread. Morrison’s is a company that pays commercial council tax and all the employees of that company live in houses and they all pay domestic council tax and all that tax is added to the cost of the loaf of bread.
What you looking for in that draw?
Where you going?
There’s a peaceful occupy Downing Street on today I thought I would keep them company:
What’s that in your pocket?
Well don’t be too long, you have work to do so you can keep paying the tax man: And when you get old you’re going to need plenty of money to spend on the grandkids, things like mobile phones and Xbox’s and computer games:

The door closes.
Now the first question is how much is the tax on a loaf of bread when it is still on the shelf? The tax man has already had more than he should. He does not care if it is sold or it goes stale. It does not matter who pays for the bread weather the purchaser is employed or unemployed it’s all the same to the tax man. So how much is the tax value on a loaf of bread on Morison’s shelf?
If all the tax was removed from the loaf of bread just leaving the cost of each loaf inclusive of all the growing, manufacture and transport costs, even allowing for some profit for all the processes involved, how much would it cost? The answer to that question will astonish you. These calculations have been made by two chartered accountants burning the midnight oil and plenty of coffee.

Coffee, cool: Here’s the answer.
85% of the cost of the loaf of bread is nothing but TAX: This means that if a loaf of bread costs £1 then the price on the shelf should be 15p. Ouch! Isn’t that amazing? Now take this example and apply it across the board. From a lollypop to a colour TV, to the tarmac on the road, to the cost of a house or a car. A £20K car would now be say £3K. Doesn’t that sound good, a £100K house would cost £15K. This is an economically valid example.

Let it sink in for a while. ——————
There’s more. We pay 24% of our income out of our gross earning to the NHS. I know if you are employed you only pay 8% but your boss pays 16% and who do you think earns that 16%? You do, you pay your part of your bosses 24% as well. Now the NHS pays for a lot of things such as Hospitals and staff and medication and ambulances and unemployment from the department of works and pensions. And I hear the words “so what” well all that money is spent and the taxman rakes back in 85% of it: That’s 85% that will never return to the NHS. Now you can also say that our tax is necessary because it pays for the police and the schools and the bin men and the park keeper and fire brigade: Well this is also true but as that money is spent the taxman rakes back in 85%. Now the question is when do you get the value of that money?

And the answer is never:
Never, ever, ever and if you can find it then let me know.
There’s more. This means that the only money you get to keep is the 15%. Oh s—t yes. That 15% pays for everything else, your home and furnishings, the car, the holiday, the food, on and on. Yes you live your life on 15% and that is a fact, oh yes and some credit cards. Now that is a very sobering thought. This is exactly the reason why we are all broke. So what is it that the tax man does that makes him worth so much of your life energy????

Anybody please let me know.
There’s more. The opposite side of the coin! The cost of a £100K house is £15K you could save up for that in say 5 years on minimum wage and buy the house cash with no mortgage. Having a mortgage means you pay for three houses and only get to keep one. So you would save the cost of two houses, that’s money back in your pocket that the bank will never see.

Minimum wage would be equal to current day without paying tax say £50 per hour. You could buy your car cash, no loan. We would be a cash rich nation in no time at all and the banks would just be a service to move our cash around as usual. There would be no national debt. We would have roads that do not wreck our cars.

Let the mind wonder. And don’t forget that all tax is illegal, it contravenes the bills of exchange act and is an act of fraud without the consent of the governed, and the consent of the governed is not a presentable fact. So the last observation is this. We pay all this tax for the Fireman and the policeman and everybody else who gets paid from the public purse. But all those paid from the public purse also pay tax to the tune of 85%.

How insane is that?….
It is no wonder that this country is commercially ruined and cannot compete in the world market place. That is just bad business management. I blame Parliament. This country is not economically viable, buggered beyond all recognition.
What’s wrong with the world?
What is wrong with the world and what can we do about it?
Lots and lots.


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