It is disconcerting to say the very least to see government revealing their complete and criminal disregard for the people but also for the law, justice and morality in addition. For instance an alleged new “law” apparently allows government to erect speed cameras on the Westgate Bridge and directly debit funds from the bank accounts of those filmed allegedly travelling above the “permitted” limits. This is an example of the lawful traditional standard of being “innocent until proven guilty” being completely and utterly overturned while also challenging the lawful observation of Justice as stated in the Imperial Acts Application Act 1980 that: “All promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void” indicating that penalties can only be issued by a judge and only after a conviction has been recorded, thus to directly debit anyone’s bank account is not only a trespass by way of fraud but by plain theft and extortion.
“Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellow man without his consent”.
As British Lord Denning has been quoted:
“No Court in this land will allow a person to keep an advantage he has obtained by fraud. No judgment of a court, no order of a Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud. Fraud unravels everything. The court is careful not to find fraud unless it is distinctly pleaded and proved; but once it is proved it vitiates judgments, contracts and all transactions whatsoever…” Fraud vitiates everything ab initio (from the beginning)
Recent reports of a council proposing a by law to fine a private entity $495.00 for repairing his own car in his own garage is almost laughable. Councils, as is government generally along with a number of government agencies, all complete with ABN’s have as much authority to pass and enforce so called “laws” as McDonalds or Hungry Jacks who have no de-jure standing or legitimate judicial authority much like the ATO, no legitimate authority at all particularly over sentient beings, men and women, creations of God. To quote Chief Justice of the High Court. Latham J. 1930. “A pretend law, made in excess of power is not and never has been a law at all. Anyone is entitled to disregard it.”
Many people do not know their true standing in the actual scheme of things.
As people, we through our own ignorance, tend to underestimate our standing, our worth and our true nature which our systems of governance and judiciary tend to encourage, it is our own ignorance that imprisons us, but in contrast we are far more significant than we can imagine, a fact that our manmade systems are fully aware of. Indeed our system of law fully recognizes that we are living sentient creations of the “Most High” and have been granted dominion over the earth in equal share and sovereignty, minus the mortgage as God is no banker.
We have been educated in the school of ignorance to cater for the apparent profits of some.
The logic infers that we as created beings, cannot be greater than our Creator and thus our creations “monarchies, governments and various public servant authorities” cannot be greater than us creations. The term “public servants” intimates the superiority of the standing of men and women, which is reflected in the following law as a single example: the S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane’s Administrators (3 U.S. 54; 1 L. Ed 57 3 Dall 54), Supreme Court of the United States 1795 that states: “In as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.” And we should note here that a contract can only be formed by consent, among other pre-requisites like disclosure and capacity to contract, which babies do not have and thus cannot lawfully enter into a contract that the birth certificate purports to create.
Because government has zero authority over living men and women as creations of God they have adopted the system of registration which legally means that through this act we literally desert our legal title to things and hand it over to them, be it property in the form of real estate, cars, boats trailers, motor homes, houseboats even our children. Given the various violations of contract law they cannot do this to living men and women legitimately so they do it be way of fraud by literally converting us into a corporate paper fiction persons just like they are, which is represented by your name in all cap letters as in JOHN WILLIAM DOE for instance, (check the spelling of your name on your drivers licence or bank accounts) but this is all fraud as well, a criminal act. Misrepresenting a living man or woman as a fictional “person” causing unwitting “joinder” is indeed the crime of “personage”, and it is perpetuated by “barratry”, the crime of bringing false claims in a court.
We can make the claim that we are a living sentient beings, (or more to the point require them to provide evidence to the contrary) made of flesh and blood and that we do not consent to offers to contract, (which is what fines essentially are) to joinder, or to act as surety, either implied or stated by any or all employees of the foreign Agent Government / Non Commonwealth Body Corporate Entities, whatsoever as we are not the CAPITAL NAME PERSON / CESTUI QUE VIE (CQV) TRUST but rather the Beneficiary of said CAPITAL NAME TRUST.
The ”Australian Government” is a privately owned for profit corporation and is literally giving away Australia’s vast resources, wealth and sovereignty to other corporations many masquerading as governments overseas, along with many unelected bodies while committing fraud and theft against its own citizens and using the system to further their self interest while lying to a largely brainwashed and fearful public while insulting everyone’s intelligence assuming that all and sundry are as stupid as they themselves are proving to be.
Australians need to wake up and stand up. The simple truth is that we are under a military occupation run by privately owned paramilitary gangs in breach of the Commonwealth of Australia constitution 1900 s114 which dictates that States shall not raise forces let alone foreign owned mercenaries masquerading as police forces. Australia politicians are breaching or ignoring the Commonwealth of Australia constitution 1900 and s80 of the Crimes Act 1914, relating to treason, sedition and misprision of treason.
A study of the law reveals without a doubt the illegitimacy of government authority while the exercise of logic in relation to morality and justice reveals the same conclusion, they exist by a mere act of registration as a legal entity and stay in power by a combination of bluff, sleight of hand deceit, indoctrination and the mind control of a fearful and brainwashed population who realize that the government is armed, they have the guns and so are not to be challenged, regardless of whether we stand on the right side of the law or not. What we end up with due to not counting the cost of not standing up is a form of slavery, quite opposed to our God given standing and the divine instincts which lean toward favouring freedom for ourselves and our descendants. The question we all need to ask of ourselves is whether our fear of penalty, even the ultimate penalty is worth the sacrifice of having our life forfeited by failing to live our lives commensurate to our full potential and our free will, our freedom is at stake and ultimately that’s all there is, we came in to this world with nothing and we go out the same way, with nothing excepting perhaps providing a legacy to the ones we love and our self respect.
Lots of people either don’t want to know that we are facing challenges of one kind or another, whether we are being squeezed out of existence through taxation while politicians award themselves huge financial windfalls accepting corrupt back handers in the way of cushy jobs following a career of providing favours or whether its being part of a push to inject poisons into the public or whether its conspiring to violate free consent in favour of applying coercion for people to take so called vaccines against their free will or lose privileges or even their livelihood. We need to wake up to the fact that our gallant and intrepid leaders are fully cooperating with mass murderers and thus have allowed food manufacturers, industrialists, pharmaceutical companies, a pretense of environmental interests and regional water boards to toxify our bodies by contaminating, water, food and air not to mention radiation, then of course there is the never ending willingness to co-operate with secret agendas to disarm populations using both real life massacres and false flag events to prompt public cooperation with cow farts being just a mild but obvious example, which we are informed will lead to an apparently catastrophic outcomes including food scarcity unless Bill Gates and his vaccines don’t get to us first with his version of philanthropy with of course the public buying in hook line and sinker and readily complying due largely to their brainwashed state and pre-programmed credulity, in concert with an apathetic and ignorant empty headed mentality that accepts anything and everything except the need to recognize the truth and accept responsibility with the lives of our descendants at stake on the chopping block if we fail in our debt to the generations to come.
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