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The Conspiracy Theorists

Your average sun drenched Aussie isn’t impressed with the idea of all these extremist conspiracy theorists coming out of the wood work and interrupting his enjoyment of football, cricket and swilling beer and I ought to know because that was exactly the tradition I grew up in. Always look on the bright side of life and not take it so seriously. In some ways it is a blissful approach beautifully adapted to fit our pretence of the typical laconic laid back Aussie attitudes. I say pretence because while people like to believe everything is ok, deep down they are aware that its not. Maintaining this act of compulsory optimism requires a monumentous mix of ignorance and plain stupidity that challenges both belief and basic logic itself. 

It completely escapes many people’s awareness that so called vaccines have harmed and killed more people than the alleged virus they were ostensibly introduced to treat. People are ignorant of the fact that government are largely illegitimate from a lawful point of view and immoral from a practical one. In a number of countries citizens pay no tax due to revenue collected from natural resources yet here in Australia our mineral wealth is basically handed to corporations for free, not to mention the gazillions of taxpayer dollars handed over to corporations indulging in wars which no one wants.

Apart from the poisons added to foodstuffs and drinking water our so called representatives are purposely undermining our country economically and in terms of sovereignty tugging the forelock to the Klaus Schwab’s and Bill Gates’ of this world who wants to inoculate us all whether we want it or not.

We are being sprayed like insects in our own land while the Military Industrial complex that runs America has offered a sneak peak of just what a Direct Energy Weapon can do alongside the side shows taking place in the Ukraine, Gaza Strip and the many other countries it has interfered in over its reign of the last 60 or 70 years, and we haven’t even discussed the central banks as yet who seem to be behind all the evil ocurring on this planet

History shows that where populations have been disarmed such events are followed by countless millions being murdered at the hands of the state, so what can we make of a government, like that of Australia that takes orders from foreign powers to disarm its people, if not for the reason that the people might object to future policies of such governments which in turn explains why the disarmament occured in the first place, to prepare the ground obviously and make way for future “initiatives.”

This is where the truth of the Port Arthur Massacre should be a matter of intense interest and scrutiny by the Australian people rather than being regarded as a topic unfit for discussion for the reason of taste and polite dinner discussions. We have a desperate need to be aware of whats really going on or we will suffer the consequences from a people capable of doing what is and has been done in this world and who are not going to be dissuaded from pursuing their courses of action in response to mild resistance a vote.

The elite driving our world are criminals and parasitic in the way they operate and refusing to acknowledge the facts of what is actually going on is playing their game and can only bring about the consequences which they dictate and which could be argued as being deserved by the willfully ignorant and stupid. We all have kids and grand kids and we owe them at least some due diligence, part of which is accurately assessing what our governments are capable of and the directions they are heading us in.

Cowering under their orders does not cut the mustard and letting them know of their failures in the strongest possible terms not the apologetic servant they think we are.


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