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Beware The Politicians

When it all happens gradually people tend not to notice change that much, a fact capitalized on by the Fabian Society, a movement which began in England in the 1880’s  to subvert the operations of government to establish a socialist  new world order. As we are seeing socialism and communism both are not concerned with sharing resources with the poorer in society as many think but rather to protect the financial interests of the elite movers and shakers on the planet. Being a member demonstrated that Bob Hawke did not have the relationship with the “decent Australians” that he liked to brag about. However he has, with the help of innumerable others at all levels of government, conspired to bring Australia down.

Were we able to contrast Australia now to the Australia of 50 years ago it would be unrecognizable thanks to the politicians masquerading as leaders but who simply “tug the forelock” to the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab who instruct our government at all levels from Federal and State right down to our local Council who are agents of treason building the City of Greater Geelong to the preferences of an unelected bureaucracy with surveillance cameras everywhere, rising rates and charges conducted by way of fraud and extortion with a model including 15 minute suburbs if we are foolish enough to allow it through the complete ignorance of who we are, our traditions and history.

There are non violent measures and lawful actions we can take partly because the Council, like all the other governments, are corporations and have zero legislative or judicial capacity to create regulations and penalties that affect anyone except for their direct employees. There is nothing unlawful about demanding from them proof of their legitimacy to make demands in the form of rates and fines. If significant numbers of people were to make such demands before paying up the delay would significantly affect cash flow thus applying some pressure for them to listen to those they pretend to represent.


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