Can you imagine how it would feel if you were to own a business and needed to employ someone to take on an executive position in the firm? At interview stage they say everything to convince you that they are the man or woman for the job. Given their assurances of competency and loyalty you hire them on a fixed term contract. Given you don’t want monkeys, you offer more than peanuts, good money, expense accounts, generous leave and sickness benefits, free travel and many other perks. Next thing you find is that this person that you are cash flowing, abuses the responsibilities they owe you, their employer, offering goods and services in the best interests of “special customers” in deals that not only are you unaware of, but would not in a million years approve of. According to the terms of the contract this employee is not just hard to get rid of, the task proves to be almost impossible and sensing a degree of job security, the employee begins to steer the business in directions that he has no real authority to take it in, and to boot has never discussed his intentions to do so with you the Boss, as if it were none of your business. The worm has turned and now appears to be in complete control and is giving the orders rather than taking them, dictating the company’s policies and selling assets without even asking permission. This employee believes he’s doing such a great job he regularly sets reviews of his performance that always tend to agree with his personal evaluation of his worth and so effectively sets his own income as there are no officially set performance metrics, he can do as he pleases. He is also apparently free to award contracts as he pleases even applying the companies cash flow to support international companies who inexplicably make no contribution to the business at all.
Of course all of this is actually the boss’s fault, the lack of focus on responsibilities particularly the ones owed to his own family is obvious, he has taking no interest in the way the business is being run because of the distractions that life presents, careers, sport, the love life and what not, listening to “advisors” who unbeknown to the boss, are working with the employee who by now is working for someone else in an “unofficial” capacity of course, but is still savvy enough to collect the income the dickhead of a boss keeps paying. The boss has not a discerning bone in his body and is by now actually fearful of the employee and does exactly what he’s told by him, and he continues to pay the parasite that for all intents and purpose is now apparently, in charge. There really is no excuse for being duped, the boss has not noticed the most basic fundamental clues which were initially apparent when the employee began to criticize the very boss he was drawing his livelihood from.
The references to the business, the boss and the employee of course are here representative of the Commonwealth, We the People and the Government, the latter being the employee. Part of the interview stage with the employee, is the clear understanding on his part that he would need to swear allegiance to the Crown, which is done upon appointment to the position, this is a necessary, indeed a non negotiable qualification and requirement, to occupy a position in the Parliament, and in the government. So it seems to beggar belief that politicians, including the likes of Julian Hill, Bill Shorten, Malcolm Turnbull, Bob Hawke, Gough Whitlam and many others, can swear allegiance to the crown, and while still drawing their wage, openly renege on the solemn oath of allegiance they gave to the Crown, to publicly express support for a republic in direct contradiction of that oath, and occupying a position that forbids such a public show of support for a republic.
While everyone is entitled to have an opinion on whether Australia should embark on the path to a republic or remain under a monarch, serving politicians, and I use the term “serving” with deep reservation, clearly do not have this privilege. They know full well what is required to comply with their required oath of allegiance. To enjoy such a liberty and remain in honour, politicians must resign from their parliamentary roles, and renounce their oath publicly, to avoid sitting in treason which many are in fact doing at this very moment in time. This is fundamental logic, a self evident scenario with the testament of the truth being borne out by the politicians who plainly convict themselves as traitors and liars for the world to witness their guilt, evidenced by their own publicly expressed views. If their sworn oaths mean so little to them how can anything they say, in any context carry any weight, not only do they accuse themselves of treachery but quite obviously possess a very low IQ, unable to comprehend their contradictory stances, perhaps thinking the electors are also as dumb as dog shit. These people have no conscience and are of little human worth, like whores offering themselves and their services in return for the proverbial traitor’s pieces of silver.
The world, time and again have faced many issues where the financial considerations far outweigh any other factor including human life basically because elites consider that life is cheap. Despite governments and politicians expressing their desire to “protect” their citizens, the facts appear to indicate the opposite. Non stop wars have killed countless millions of people over the course of history and if religion has been the major factor motivating all this killing, then profits would run a very close second. Not only is war profitable for certain enterprises but the same applies to the profit realised in resources that successful campaigns can offer to the victors. While not everything is related to war, profit is the common denominator that tends to be more highly prioritized in much of human endeavour, and certainly proves to be a driving motivator as opposed to concern for human lives and human well being. Examples of apparent lack of government concern for human welfare was evident in the mining of Asbestos years ago where the government were well aware of the dangers years before any action was taken with little to suggest that such action was initiated out of any government concerns for citizens. The same indifference dominated government concerns with the lives lost to cigarettes and is still not addressed to this day, although the profit principle is still prevalent with huge taxes applying that increase at regular intervals as governments try to maintain the same income revenue from a diminishing number of smokers.
Years ago we could have all been driving around in steam driven vehicles but corporate profits would have taken a big hit, yet this has not slowed the pretence of the desire to achieve fuel efficiency. So when we consider the issues of corona virus and 5G how much of the policies are influenced by the ever present common denominator called profit. The coronavirus is likely to be far more profitable if it is promoted through every available means, while the opposite applies to 5G which curiously gets no media attention, even though the potential destruction to human life is far greater than a dose of flu. If the media were to report on the dangers of 5G then that party would be over before it started, but this won’t happen, divulging such dangers could provide an unacceptable disruption to the enormous profits that this deadly technology is capable of producing, and which, quite coincidentally, may also serve a dual purpose, to allow the corona virus to kill far more people effectively by means of altering the natural environment which best suits human physiology and survival
The burning question, pardon the pun, who in their right mind would trust a system comprising elites, wealthy corporations and their servants, the politicians, as far as they could kick them?
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Maree Whitty
February 17, 2021 at 2:36 pmJohn, thank you for your site, a wealth of good information.
John Andrews
February 17, 2021 at 2:54 pmthanks very much