As Alexandre Dumas fils has been quoted “the difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits” which aptly describes the situation where the likes of Richard Marles, Darren Cheeseman, Christine Couzens, Lisa Neville and Libby Coker among other useless incumbents of the major parties are tipped to be returned to office at the next alleged election. Why this would be the case is quite beyond me given Labor’s accomplishments or lack thereof thus far, these pollies possess nothing of substance whatsoever and are all about as genuine as a mother in law’s smile. I for one am quite puzzled as to why any voter at all would think to return a Labor candidate or a Liberal candidate for that matter when neither have demonstrated the slightest hint of value to the people in Australia, indeed they have proven to be irresponsible parasites who have been robbing us blind for decades via tax and central banking systems which they have invariably supported, despite such support being the main cause of the inflation that has reduced the value of the currency in all western democracies to the point of total collapse. The current crop of politicians proving to be as worthless as their predecessors and those before them all of who have proven to be dangerous handicaps to the economic health and prosperity of ordinary hard working Australians.
Such results can only be attributed to the absolute stupidity of the voters out there that fail to see that they have for decades have been well and truly screwed by the ruling class. One can understand to a microscopically limited degree that if their family has traditionally supported a Labour Government then those of that bent would no doubt want to see a genocide conducted by a Labour government and vice versa if the family tradition is of a Liberal bent. But the bent of either is an illogical one because very obviously, a much better preference is that no genocide should be carried out by any political party or movement and this is what we should vote for, a party that’s primary priority is to the benefit of the country’s people as opposed to the minority elites of great wealth.
Its really is obvious that Australians are not the sharpest tools in the shed being unable to identify the outrageous lies peddled by government entities and agents in this entirely fraudulent covid 19 debacle. Does it make sense to anyone that squillions have been spent on experimental vaccines which are unlawfully mandated to coerce the general public to have them administered when the rate of recovery is over 99% while those in no risk groups like children as young as 5 are likewise being coerced in taking these alleged vaccines, does this make any sense particularly when the Pfizer report identifies an exhaustive list of adverse reactions that our so called “health ministers” who should be, more than well aware of this report given its their fucking job to know yet plead ignorance of the cause of all of these “heart problems” attributing them to “just one of those things” what’s on show here is where the limits of credulity intersect with the limits of the almost profane presumptions of the intelligence of the voters out there in the public, and what is really breathtaking is that the politicians who exhibit such profound violations of logic, stupidity and intentional deceit are by and large accepted by a people who are, by and large, as dumb as dog shit.
Of course stupidity goes hand in hand with wilful ignorance of the real events taking place in the world and who’s responsible for them, as JFK has been quoted “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all” which has a multiplying effect when the ignorant hordes of people who purposely choose to remain blissfully ignorant of what will shortly be overtaking both the wise and the ignorant, despite the annoying fact that all of the information is freely available to everyone including the irresponsible who because of both their stupidity and ignorance expose us all to danger. I have heard Rick Gervais express the same sentiment like this, “The dead do not know they are dead, the pain is felt by others, the same applies to the stupid.”
I do not believe that we have a lawful system of government or ever have had one and the system of voting is flawed in so many ways not least because much of the time it is rigged process and then among other issues is the claim of the first nations people to sovereignty as there is no doubt at all that the British invaded an already populated country and anyone who has read the book Australia the Concealed Colony would also have further issues to consider including the legitimacy of the system we are operating under with the unconstitutionally implemented treasons of both Whitlam and Hawke. On another tack one is entitled to ask if the constitution strictly applies to a people who have never signed it, which includes everyone under a hundred and twenty two years of age.
In my heart of hearts we need to start again as a nation but the pragmatic part of me says we should be partaking in this election, though it be fraudulent and illegitimate, it may give us the last and only opportunity to rid ourselves of some bad actors that will remain in place otherwise, God knows change is needed, and the sooner the better.
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