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Category: Law

Feb 18
Non Existent Laws

Legal Maxim: The burden of proof is upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies. It is disconcerting to say the very least to see government revealing their complete and criminal disregard for the people but also for the law, justice and morality in addition. For instance an alleged new “law” apparently allows government to erect speed cameras […]

Feb 02
Mob Rule

Reports indicate we have new speed cameras on the way featuring sophisticated technology that will facilitate the powers that be an ability to reach right into your bank account in order to collect fines justly causing us to reflect on just how lucky we are that our government shows such commitment to safety on our […]

Jan 22
Law, Justice and Legal

One of the areas where we can see the truth in the expression “the law is an ass” is when it comes to comparing two completely different systems, one is the system of law, the other a system of legal and they can be worlds apart. Natural justice has at times no correlation whatsoever to […]

Apr 23
A Face of Treason

As election time approaches I’m noticing that the career party politicians are coming out of hibernation to make new rounds of promises and talking up the achievements of their respective, alleged governments. It is clear or should be abundantly so that the major parties are obviously unrepresentative swill to say the least. These people are […]

Apr 18
Governments and Law

Back in 1795 a very important law case in history took place in America, the Penhallow versus Doane’s Administrators which was summarized in this way. “In as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, […]

Jul 07
My Living Ponzi Scheme

Is this group the real deal? In these times of financial insecurity many people are looking at ways of securing income for the future so when this opportunity was presented to me by one of the leaders in the truth movement I signed up without conducting the due diligence that I would have normally applied […]

Apr 24
A Weird Justice System

Got reacquainted with a chap I met out on the road a couple of years ago meeting him again oddly enough on the same road last weekend. It really was a case of deja vu because I remember the last time after completing the paperwork he spent some extra time talking about recent accidents and […]

Apr 12
The Lock Down We Had To Have

This so called lock down and the management of it is going to result in the death, destruction and the widespread misery of generations of Australians tasked with repaying debt that was quite unnecessary to borrow. These fuck head traitors, liars and parasites have deliberately plunged Australia into an economic armageddon by insisting on taking […]

Mar 19
Is Inauthentic Authority Stealing Your Life?

There is no shortage of occupations that are open to people to choose from whatever the interests and motivations that combine to make up a human being. Some people have a particular interest in serving others, in quite a wide variety of formats, while there are others who have a particular interest in having others […]